5 Soul Authority secrets for unfulfilled empaths and sensitive experts

Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT
6 min readJun 2, 2019

(Source: Unsplash Jason D)

Many highly sensitive people (HSPs) realize as early as in kindergarten (me!) that something is not quite right. I shed more tears than my siblings, friends, and cousins combined, and was flat-out told that these tears were ‘crocodile tears’ and not real. Why? Because they lacked ‘good reason’ — as if feelings ran on logic.

In grade school, HSPs like me often get teased for being cry babies. We get in trouble for being too much or too little in comparison to the norm: in first grade, I needed to go the principal’s office for being too soft spoken, too timid and too easily shaken up by my teacher’s loud reprimands, when I wasn’t even the one in trouble.

It doesn’t stop there. In middle and high school, our peers think we’re weird, overly dramatic, too serious or too intense. Our parents want us to open up when we’re overwhelmed and shut the world out, yet glaze over and tone us down when we share our full range of feelings. They can’t wait for our precocious, emotional, hormonal phase to end.

By the time we’re adults, we’ve got HSP symptom shame and self-blame down-pat. We’re convinced that it’s our fault that we can’t crack this confusing relationship code that everyone else seems to get.



Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT

I empower sensitive experts with energetic boundary tools to become the Soul Authority of their lives & fields. Free course here: www.theSacredHealingWell.com