Juneteenth — Tracing our racist roots for root solutions

Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT
12 min readJun 23, 2020

In Suriname, we call this holiday Keti Koti. Cutting of the chains.

It has been celebrated since the abolition of slavery on July 1, 1863, but has been a national holiday since 1960.

I think it’s important to imagine what life could have been like for you and others if this day had been a national US holiday for 60 years. What would it mean to be surrounded by statues, symbols and monuments that celebrate this big day of freedom — instead of still arguing over confederate symbols, flags, names of leaders, and statues that need to be removed from public and prominent spaces.

Kwakoe — statue of freed slave in honor of Keti Koti

These two countries share similar deplorable histories as slave plantations but the divergent paths that led to the stark differences between these two countries now were already visible 300 years ago.

More on: Raising the anti-racism bar

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Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT
Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT

Written by Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT

I empower sensitive experts with energetic boundary tools to become the Soul Authority of their lives & fields. Free course here: www.theSacredHealingWell.com

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